
  • XSS, known as, Cross Site Scripting, is the act of injecting malicious script, usually javascript, into a website with the attempt to hi-jack information and/or alter the underlying production code. Examples include stealing client information, bypassing WAFs/filters and redirecting client (user, staff, entity) to unauthorized locations.

  • OWASP breaks XSS into 3 types, defined below:

    • Reflected XSS - Non-Presistent - Type 1
    • Stored XSS - Persistent - Type 2
    • DOM Based XSS - Type 3 (as referenced as Type 0)


Common XSS attack vectors are split into throw main categories.


ATO - Hostile Account Takeover.

Cookie Manipulation - Obtaining another client’s cookie.

DOM Replacement

DOM Replacement - Swapping (Persistent/Non-Presistent) Document Object Model (HTML) with a hostile/malignment node (DOM-entity, Memory HTML).


  • The best defense is to assume every form of client (user, staff, entity, personal) has a malicious intent and should be sanitized at the client and server side. Sanitization encompasses a combination of filtering and encoding, as well as, referencing libraries as tools. The only draw back with heavy filtering / encoding will be performance but its a trade-off worth the safety of the data, client and server.

    • Encode:
      • Unicode-escape sequence is a string that starts with a backlash, \, followed by the letter u and 4 hexadecimal digits.
        • The backlash, \ , acts as the UnicodeEscape.
        • The letter, u, acts as the UnicodeMarker.
        • The 4 digits are referenced as hexDigits:
          • 0 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f, A, B, C, D, E, F.
        • Examples:
          • < -> UnicodeEscape() -> \u003c
          • > -> UnicodeEscape() -> \u003e
      • HTML Entities

        • Examples:
          • < -> HTML_Entities() -> &lt; || &#60;
          • > -> HTML_Entities() -> &gt; || &#62;
          • & -> HTML_Entities() -> &amp; || &#38;
    • Filter:
  • Libraries: A collection of tools to help prevent common XSS attacks

    • Check #References


  • Reflection XSS - Type 1
  • Stored XSS - Type 2
  • DOM XSS - Type 3/0


  • Leviathan (2019)


Browser Secrets Breakdown

XSS - The LocalStorage Robbery Medium